Research on anti-fatigue effect of syngnathus acus L.
中文关键词:  海洋生药 尖海龙 总脂肪 酶水解液 抗疲劳
English Keywords:Syngnathus acus L.,Lipid enzymatic hydrolysate,Anti-fatigue
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English Summary:
      The study analyzed the compositions of Syngnathus acus L and discussed its anti-fatigue effect. Prepared lipid and enzymatic hydrolysate. The animal experiment methods are such as followed-(1)Enduring capacity experiment. (2)Determining LA (Lactic Acid) concentrations before and after swimming sports. (3)Determining the content of muscle glyco-gen and hepatic glycogen of mice. These experiments showed that lipid and enzymatic hydrolysate are both able to prolong swimming time of mice (P<0. 05) , able to cut down the increase of LA resulting from sports and speed up the decrease of LA after sports (P< 0. 05) , and able to increase glycogen reserve (P<0. 05). So lipid and enzymatic hydrolysate of Syngnathus acus L. both have anti-fatigue effect. However, the anti-fatigue effect of Syngnathus acus L. was better (compared with placebo, P<0. 01).
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