An analysis of amino acids and fatty acids in Bangia
中文关键词:  红毛菜 氨基酸 脂肪酸 海洋药
English Keywords:Bangia fusco-purpurea(Dillw. ) Lyngb.,amino acids,fatty acids,
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English Summary:
      The compositions and contents of amino acids and fatty acids in Bangia were analyzed, the contents of total amino acids and essential amino acids were 40. 27% and 20. 30% of dried material, respectively, the component of amino acids presented with high balance. Free amino acids were 4992. 68 mg in per 100g dried material; the gustatory amino acids and taurine were found dominant. Unsaturated fatty acids were 83. 987% of total fatty acids, a-mong which EPA took 51. 739%. The results indicated that the Bangia is a kind of health food with delicious taste and high nutrition.
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