Study on Secretion of Interleukin-1 Induced by Sepia in Mice
中文关键词:  乌贼墨 IL-1 巨噬细胞 成纤维细胞
English Keywords:Sepia,IL-1,macrophage,fibroblast,
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摘要点击次数: 2274
全文下载次数: 21
English Summary:
      Objective To investigate secretion of interleukin-1 (IL-1) in BALB/C mice macro-phage induced by sepia. Methods Ascitic fluid was drawed out after sepia was poured into mice intragastrically and the biologic activity of IL-1 induced in mice macrophage was examined by fibroblast proliferation experiment. Duration of IL-1 secretion and the concentration- activity relation in vivo were also studied. Results Sepia can induce IL-1 in BALB/C mice macrophage. The effects had significant differences compared with control group. Tracking detection in vivo displayed IL-1 had the highest secretion at the second day after stopped inducing and also secretion evidence at the fifth day and reached to normal at the ninth day. The IL-1 activity of original-detected liquid had not decreased at 8 fold dilution and approach normal at 32 fold. Conclusion Sepia can induce IL-1 in BALB/C mice macrophage, and it had shown the highest secretion was at 48 hours.
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