Studies on the properties of the anthocyanidin in Suaeda heteroptera of halophyte
中文关键词:  盐生植物 翅碱蓬 红色素 花青素
English Keywords:halophyte  Suaeda heteroptera Kitag.  red pigment  anthocyanidin
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English Summary:
      Objective The properties of anthocyanins in Suaeda heteroptera Kitag.were investigated.Methods Properties of the extract were determined via spectral absorption,physco-chemical analyses.Results Spectrogram results showed that the red pigment was classified to anthocyanins.The color properties of the pigment were similar to plant anthocyanins and pH changes could affect the tone of the color.The pigment was soluble in water,alcohol;slightly soluble in acetone;and insoluble in petroleum ether.Under natural light,degradation of the pigment could be accelerated.High temperature was disadvantage to the pigment stability.Redox stability was very low.Fe~(2+),Mg~(2+),Cu~(2+) and Mn~(2+) did not significant affect the tone of the color.Conclusion The pigment from Suaeda heteroptera Kitag.is water-soluble anthocyanins,and may be important nature edible pigment resource.
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