Preliminary Studies on Oyster Protein
中文关键词:  牡蛎蛋白 牡蛎 酶法水解蛋白 蛋白区带 等离子体发射光谱
English Keywords:Oyster,Oyster Protein,hydrolysis,SDS-PAGE,ICP
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English Summary:
      Oyster protein was extracted from fresh oyster using salting-out method. It was determined by Kjeldahl procedure that the protein content was about 38. 6% and free amino-ni-trogen content of total nitrogen was about 21. 6%. Hydrolytic characteristic of oyster protein was analyzed by hydrolytic enzymes. SDS-PAGE results showed there were 4 types of protein zones. And the average molecular weight was 16172, 17633, 43227 and 57909, respectively.
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