李艳青,凌春耀,易湘茜,等.海鞘来源放线菌Streptomyces pratensis SCSIO LCY05中skyllamycins的发现及其生物合成分析[J].中国海洋药物,2021,40(3):1-14.
海鞘来源放线菌Streptomyces pratensis SCSIO LCY05中skyllamycins的发现及其生物合成分析
Discovery and biosynthetic analysis of skyllamycins from Streptomyces pratensis SCSIO LCY05 derived from Ascidian
投稿时间:2020-12-31  修订日期:2021-02-23
中文关键词:  S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05  肉桂酰结构单元  skyllamycins  生物合成基因簇  缩合/异构化结构域
English Keywords:S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05  cinnamoyl structural unit  skyllamycins  biosynthetic gene cluster  condensation/epimerization domain
Fund Project:
李艳青 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室 广东省海洋药物重点实验室中国科学院大学 583394005@qq.com 
凌春耀 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室
广西中医药大学 药学院 海洋药物研究院 
易湘茜 广西中医药大学 药学院 海洋药物研究院  
高程海 广西中医药大学 药学院 海洋药物研究院  
鞠建华* 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室 广东省海洋药物重点实验室
马俊英 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室广东省海洋药物重点实验室中国科学院大学  
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      目的 挖掘海鞘来源放线菌Streptomyces pratensis SCSIO LCY05生产含肉桂酰独特结构单元的skyllamycins类环肽的潜能,并深入分析skyllamycins生物合成基因簇的新特征。方法 利用Illumina Hiseq和Pacbio SMRT测序平台对S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05基因组DNA其进行全基因组测序,通过生物信息学手段对菌株基因组的生物合成基因簇进行预测和基因功能注释,采用OSMAC (one strain many compounds) 策略对S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05菌株进行发酵优化,结合萃取法、色谱学和波谱学等方法对该菌株的次级代谢产物进行分离和结构鉴定,并对得到的化合物的生物合成途径进行推导及对新颖的合成特征进行挖掘。结果 全基因组测序结果表明,S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05菌株的基因组全长为8.42 Mbp,共含有35个生物合成基因簇,该基因组上的基因簇20与skyllamycins生物合成基因簇的相似度为95%。在OSMAC策略的优化基础上,发现S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05菌株在SCAS培养基中出现了两个具有典型吸收特征的峰,经鉴定为skyllamycin A和skyllamycin B环肽化合物,并推导了其生物合成途径。进一步的聚类分析发现skyllamycins装配线上的C11结构域可能是具有缩合和异构化双重功能的结构域,负责skyllamycins中第11个氨基酸的组装和异构化。结论 本研究不仅发现海鞘来源放线菌S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05经OSMAC策略的优化后可产生skyllamycins类环肽化合物,并揭示了skyllamycins生物合成过程中的新特征,同时也为skyllamycins类化合物生物合成机制的深入阐释及其进一步的开发利用提供了新的菌株资源。
English Summary:
      Objective To investigate the potential of cinnamyl structural unit containing skyllamycins production in Streptomyces pratensis SCSIO LCY05 derived from ascidian and analyze the new characteristics of skyllamycins biosynthetic gene cluster (skl BGC). Methods The whole genome of S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05 was sequenced using the Illumina Hiseq and PacBio SMRT platform, and the biosynthetic gene clusters of the secondary meatbolites were predicted and the functions of ORFs in the biosynthetic gene cluster were annotated by online bioinformatic softwares. The one strain many compounds (OSMAC) strategy was used to conduct the fermentation optimization of S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05. The secondary metabolites of the strain were isolated and structurally characterized by extraction, chromatography and spectroscopic data analyses, etc. The biosynthetic pathway and novel biosynthetic characteristics of the obtained compounds were analyzed. Results The whole genome sequencing results showed that the genome size of S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05 is 8.42 Mbp, containing a total of 35 biosynthetic gene clusters. The 20th gene cluster on the genome is 95% similar to the reported skyllamycins biosynthetic gene cluster and predicted to charge for the biosynthesis of cinnamyol unit containing natural products in S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05. Based on the OSMAC strategy, two peaks with typical absorption characteristics were found in SCAS medium of S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05, which were identified as skyllamycin A and skyllamycin B. The biosynthetic pathway of skyllamycin A and B was analyzed in detail. Further sequence alignment indicated that the C11 domain on skyllamycin assembly line is a special domain with dual functions that responsible for the condensation and epimerization of the 11th amino acid in skyllamycin. Concluison In this study, we found that thecyclic peptides skyllamycins can be produced in S. pratensis SCSIO LCY05 by OSMAC strategy, and discovered new characteristics in its biosynthetic assembly line. Notably, this study also provided a new strain resource for the indepth elucidation of the biosynthetic mechanism of skyllamycins and subsequent development and utilization.
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