Transcriptomic-based analysis of the effects of fucoxanthin on the inflammatory and proliferation of EPCs on oscillatory shear stress
投稿时间:2021-07-30  修订日期:2021-09-24
中文关键词:  岩藻黄素  动脉粥样硬化  内皮祖细胞  细胞周期  细胞增殖
English Keywords:Fucoxanthin  atherosclerosis  endothelial progenitor cells  Cell cycle  Cell proliferation
Fund Project:
傅洁 潍坊医学院 基础医学院医学生理学实验室 fujielishi@126.com 
于洁 潍坊医学院 基础医学院医学生理学实验室 dubidubileslie@163.com 
张晓芸 潍坊医学院 基础医学院医学生理学实验室 xiaoyun.zhang@126.com 
李鑫 潍坊医学院基础医学院机能学实验室 lx2005008@126.com 
金成文 潍坊医学院基础医学院机能学实验室 jinchw@126.com 
刘顺梅 潍坊医学院 医学研究实验中心 bio-shunmei@163.com 
成敏 潍坊医学院 基础医学院医学生理学实验室 mincheng@wfmc.edu.cn 
崔晓栋* 潍坊医学院 基础医学院医学生理学实验室 xiaodongcui@wfmc.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 3244
全文下载次数: 111
      目的 在扰动剪切应力(Oscillatory shear stress, OSS, ±4 dynes/cm2, 1 Hz)作用下内皮祖细胞(Endothelial progenitor cells, EPCs)转录组学数据生物信息学分析的基础上,探讨岩藻黄素(Fucoxanthin, FUCO)对OSS作用下的EPCs炎性、增殖以及细胞周期等生物活性改变的影响作用。方法 采用Flexcell flow STR-4000流体系统模拟体内扰动流剪切应力环境;利用Illumina高通量测序平台对相应处理的EPCs进行转录组测序分析,并对筛选到的差异蛋白编码基因进行功能以及通路分析;利用实时荧光定量PCR技术(RT-qPCR)验证相应生物信息学数据;Western blot(WB)检测筛选基因-前列腺素内过氧化物合酶2(PTGS2)蛋白表达;采用EdU和PI染色分别进行EPCs增殖和周期检测。结果 与静止对照组相比,共计差异表达基因1066个,涉及细胞增殖和死亡、感染性疾病等信号转导通路;GO功能分析显示,该类基因功能主要影响的过程有细胞及细胞组分、细胞进程、细胞器及生物进程等生物活动;根据P值<0.05且Fold change(FC)>2的条件,筛选显著差异基因数17个,并经RT-qPCR以及WB验证,显示PTGS2 mRNA差异表达最为显著(P<0.001),PTGS2蛋白表达差异明显(P<0.05);进一步的结果显示,与OSS组EPCs相比,FUCO处理的OSS组EPCs中PTGS2 mRNA表达显著降低(P<0.001),其蛋白表达被抑制(P<0.05),并且FUCO处理过的OSS组EPCs增殖活性以及DNA合成能力增强。结论 结合转录组数据基础,提示FUCO能够显著降低OSS引发的EPCs炎症反应,尤其明显抑制炎性因子PTGS2表达;促进EPCs细胞增殖和 DNA合成,这为FUCO临床干预EPCs进而完善心血管疾病干细胞治疗提供理论依据。
English Summary:
      Objective On the basis of bioinformatics analysis from the transcriptomics data which imposed endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) on the action of oscillatory shear stress (OSS, ±4 dynes/cm2, 1 Hz), we investigated the role of fucoxanthin (FUCO) on the inflammatory, proliferation and cell cycle activities of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) on OSS. Methods The Flexcell Flow STR-4000 fluid system was used to simulate the disturbed blood flow shear stress in vivo. Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform was applied to analyze the transcriptome of the EPCs on OSS, and then analyze the functions and pathways of the differentially encoded genes. The corresponding bioinformatics data were verified by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). Western blot (WB) was used to detect the expression of PTGS2 protein. The cell proliferation and cycle of EPCs were detected by EdU and PI staining, respectively. Results Compared with the static control group, 1066 differentially expressed genes were involved in signal transductive pathways associated with cell proliferation, death, and infectious diseases. GO enrichment analysis showed that the functions of these genes mainly affected biological activities such as cells and cell components, cell processes, organelles, and biological processes. According to the conditions of P-value <0.05 and Fold change (FC) >2, 17 significant differences genes were screened. The results of RT-qPCR and WB indicated that the mRNA and protein expression of PTGS2 were significantly different (P<0.001). Further results showed that the mRNA expression of PTGS2 in the OSS group treated by FUCO was decreased (P<0.001) compared with the EPCs of the OSS group, contemporary the protein expression was inhibited (P<0.05). However, the proliferation activity and DNA synthesis capacity in the OSS group EPCs combinedly treated with FUCO were increased. Conclusion Combined with transcriptome data, FUCO could significantly reduce the inflammatory response of EPCs on OSS, especially the expression of inflammatory factor PTGS2. FUCO effectively promotes the proliferation of EPCs and DNA synthesis, alleviates the decreased proliferation activity of EPCs caused by OSS, which provides the theoretical basis for FUCO to clinically intervene EPCs and improve the treatment of cardiovascular diseases with stem cells.
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