Study on the anti-enterovirus 71 activity of ?-Carrageenan
投稿时间:2023-04-23  修订日期:2023-05-26
中文关键词:  抗肠道病毒71型  ?-卡拉胶  3C蛋白  VP1蛋白
English Keywords:Anti-enterovirus 71  ?-Carrageenan  3C protein  VP1 protein
Fund Project:
贺福杰 中国海洋大学 海洋药物教育部重点实验室 248437238@qq.com 
马骁尧 中国海洋大学 海洋药物教育部重点实验室 1030046252@qq.com 
徐灿 中国海洋大学 海洋药物教育部重点实验室 2462330603@qq.com 
吴瑾瑾 中国海洋大学 海洋药物教育部重点实验室 wuuujinjin@163.com 
王世欣 中国海洋大学 青岛海洋生物医药研究院 shixin113@126.com 
王伟* 中国海洋大学 海洋药物教育部重点实验室 wwwakin@ouc.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 639
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      目的 对海洋来源的化合物?-卡拉胶进行体外抗肠道病毒71型活性研究。方法 CPE抑制实验评价?-卡拉胶抗肠道病毒71型的活性,CPE实验探究?-卡拉胶的细胞毒性。通过空斑实验、Western blot实验、实时荧光定量PCR实验探究?-卡拉胶的抗病毒活性。利用Co-IP实验探究其作用靶点。结果 ?-卡拉胶具有高效低毒的抗肠道病毒71型活性,在Vero细胞中效果最好,IC50为6.29 μg·mL?1,CC50大于1 mg·mL?1,不同作用方式和不同作用时间实验表明,?-卡拉胶主要起作用于病毒吸附后阶段,且0~2 h给药可以显著抑制病毒VP1蛋白表达。此外,?-卡拉胶可以与病毒VP1蛋白结合,从而影响病毒感染细胞。结论 ?-卡拉胶具有良好的体外抗肠道病毒71型活性,为发现和改造新的海洋来源的糖类化合物提供了借鉴,为寻找新的抗肠道病毒71型药物提供了新思路。
English Summary:
      Objective In vitro studies on the anti-enterovirus 71 activity of the compound ?-carrageenan of marine origin. Methods CPE inhibition assay to evaluate the activity of ?-carrageenan against enterovirus 71, CPE assay to verify the mode of action and cytotoxicity of ?-carrageenan, combined with empty spot assay, Western blot assay and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR assay for corroboration. Co-IP assay was used to verify its target of action. Results ?-Carrageenan has a highly efficient and low-toxic anti-enterovirus 71 activity and is most effective in Vero cells with an IC50 of 6.29 μg·mL-1 and a CC50 greater than 1 mg·mL-1. Experiments with different modes of action and different duration of action showed that ?-carrageenan acted mainly in the post-adsorption phase of the virus, and 0~2 h administration could significantly inhibit viral VP1 protein expression. In addition, ?-carrageenan could bind to the viral VP1 protein and thus affect virus-infected cells. Conclusion The good in vitro anti-enterovirus 71 activity of ?-carrageenan provides insights into the discovery and modification of new glycoconjugates of marine origin and offers new ideas for the search of new anti-enterovirus 71 drugs.
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