Preparation and anti-tumor activity of chitosan composite hydrogel
投稿时间:2023-04-24  修订日期:2023-05-10
中文关键词:  壳聚糖  脂质体  水凝胶  抗肿瘤活性
English Keywords:chitosan  liposome  hydrogel  anti-tumor activity
Fund Project:
于洋 中国海洋大学医药学院 836448107@qq.com 
王腾 中国海洋大学医药学院 wangteng19950813@foxmail.com 
孟鑫 中国海洋大学医药学院 1151033960@qq.com 
蒋天泽* 中国海洋大学医药学院 jiangtianze@ouc.edu.cn 
赵峡 中国海洋大学医药学院 1184748799@qq.com 
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      目的 制备具有光热特性和负载抗肿瘤药物的壳聚糖复合水凝胶,并研究其抗肿瘤活性。方法 以壳聚糖为原料绿色制备金纳米粒,采用薄膜水化法制备载奥拉帕尼脂质体,将金纳米粒和奥拉帕尼脂质体共负载至壳聚糖水凝胶中。在对水凝胶理化性能进行表征的基础上,评价其抗肿瘤活性。结果 制备的金纳米粒分散均一,粒径为(61.97 ± 1.77) nm;制备的奥拉帕尼脂质体的载药量为(9.97 ± 0.59)%,包封率为(55.34 ± 1.22)%;壳聚糖复合水凝胶具备良好的可注射性和生物相容性,同时具有良好的光热转化能力。对4T1细胞的抑制能力结果表明,壳聚糖复合水凝胶在808 nm光照下表现出比奥拉帕尼水凝胶更强的抗肿瘤活性。结论 壳聚糖复合水凝胶将疏水性药物奥拉帕尼和亲水性金纳米粒结合,通过将光热治疗和化疗联合作用,显示出良好的抗肿瘤应用前景。
English Summary:
      Objective To prepare chitosan composite hydrogel with photothermal properties and loaded with antitumor drugs, and to study its antitumor activity. Methods Chitosan was used as a material for the green preparation of gold nanoparticles (GNPs). And olaparib-loaded liposomes (OLP) were prepared by film dispersion method. The composite hydrogel co-loaded GNPs and OLP. Based on the characterization of its morphology and rheology, the antitumor activity of composite hydrogel was evaluated. Results The prepared gold nanoparticles were uniformly dispersed with a particle size of (61.97 ± 1.77) nm. The drug loading and encapsulation efficiency of olaparib-loaded liposomes were (9.97 ± 0.59)% and (55.34 ± 1.22)%, respectively. The chitosan composite hydrogel had good injectability and biocompatibility, and showed good photothermal conversion ability. Cytotoxicity experiments showed that the chitosan composite hydrogel exhibited stronger 4T1 cell inhibition ability than olaparib hydrogel under 808 nm light. Conclusion The chitosan composite hydrogel combined the hydrophobic drug olaparib with hydrophilic GNPs, showing good anti-tumor application prospects by combining photothermal therapy and chemotherapy.
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