黄泽泉,陈上,刘东,等.深海真菌Spiromastix sp. F19中抗氧化聚酮化合物研究[J].中国海洋药物,2026,(1):-.
深海真菌Spiromastix sp. F19中抗氧化聚酮化合物研究
Antioxidant polyketides from the deep-sea derived fungus Spiromastix sp. F19
投稿时间:2024-10-21  修订日期:2025-01-12
中文关键词:  深海真菌  Spiromastix sp.  聚酮化合物  抗氧化活性
English Keywords:deep-sea derived fungus  Spiromastix sp.  polyketides  antioxidant activity
Fund Project:
黄泽泉 广西中医药大学海洋药物研究院广西海洋药物重点实验室北京大学 天然药物与仿生药物国家重点实验室 530200
陈上 北京大学 天然药物与仿生药物国家重点实验室 
刘东 北京大学 天然药物与仿生药物国家重点实验室 
高程海 广西中医药大学海洋药物研究院广西海洋药物重点实验室 
钟声平* 广西中医药大学海洋药物研究院广西海洋药物重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 70
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      目的 采用单菌株多次级代谢产物(one strain many compounds, OSMAC)策略对深海来源真菌Spiromastix sp. F19的化学结构多样性进行挖掘。方法 通过将培养基中的氯化钠改为溴化钠,对深海来源真菌Spiromastix sp. F19进行大规模发酵。采用硅胶柱层析、羟丙基葡聚糖凝胶柱层析、半制备高效液相等色谱技术对发酵产物进行化学分离,利用质谱和核磁共振波谱等技术鉴定化合物的结构,并初步测试化合物的体外抗菌和抗氧化活性。结果 从F19菌株发酵产物中分离鉴定了7个聚酮化合物,其中包括3个新化合物,分别为spiromastol O(1)、spiromastol P(2)及spiromastol Q(3);4个已知化合物,分别为spiromastol D(4)、spiromastol E(5)、spiromastol H(6)及spiromastol K(7)。抗菌活性测试结果表明,所有化合物对测试的4株细菌均无明显抗菌活性;抗氧化活性测试结果表明,化合物2、4、5、6、7表现出显著的2,2'-联氮基双-(3-乙基苯并噻唑啉-6-磺酸)(ABTS)自由基清除活性。
English Summary:
      Objective To investigate the chemical structural diversity of the deep-sea derived fungus Spiromastix sp. F19, the one strain many compounds (OSMAC) strategy was employed. Methods Large-scale fermentation of the deep-sea derived fungus Spiromastix sp. F19 was conducted by replacing NaCl with NaBr in the culture medium. The fermentation products were chemically separated using chromatographic methods including silica gel column, Sephadex LH-20 and semi-preparative HPLC. The structures of these compounds were determined using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Preliminary in vitro antibacterial and antioxidant activities of these compounds were also evaluated. Results Seven polyketides were isolated and identified from the fermentation extract of strain F19, including three new compounds, spiromastols O-Q (1?3); and four known compounds, spiromastol D (4), spiromastol E (5), spiromastol H (6), and spiromastol K (7). All compounds exhibited no obvious antibacterial activity against the four strains tested. Compounds 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exhibited significant ABTS radical scavenging activity.
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